
by Jo

Your Body - Your Journey - Your Wish

My Journey


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If you want your Journey to get started, please complete my contact form and lets go!


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You will receive a messege through WhatsApp within 24 hours.


You are all set

We will have an in-depth phone call to discuss your fitness goals and how i can help reach them

Your Journey

- My Mission

Workout plans made for you

Designed to fit with your needs and fitnesslevel

Your own meal plan

Balanced meals to make your weightloss Journey enjoyable

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins & progress tracking with me

Continuous communication

I am by your side on this journey & can't wait to see how you succeed.

Workout plans made for you

Designed to fit with your needs and fitnesslevel

Your own meal plan

Balanced meals to make your weightloss Journey enjoyable

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins & progress tracking with me

Continuous communication

I am by your side on this journey & can't wait to see how you succeed.

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Your Journey

starts here

The coach is smiling.

I used to weigh 90kg. I was bullied at school and felt insecure everywhere I went. Eating in front of other people made me feel like the whole world was judging me for who I am. I tried probably every diet that exists on this planet, and even when I lost weight, it didn’t take long before I gained it all back. When my father told me about his concerns about me getting diabetes, I was determined to give it one last try. I am proud to say that I now weigh almost 40kg less and was able to turn my life around.

The coach is posing in front of the mirror.

In my perspective of getting in shape, losing weight is the smallest of your problems. The bigger and more important part is to sustain this great body you worked for. This program focuses on getting in the best shape of your life and staying in it. How? The goal is NOT to restrict yourself from things you want to eat. We will work together on small adjustments to make healthy nutrition and workouts a routine that fits your lifestyle, one you truly enjoy. My mission is to be the support I wish I had along the way.

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